You forgot a percentage sign or a colon

TL;DR: when using Scala.js or Scala Native, you must specify your dependencies slightly differently

#I'm using SBT

When using Scala.js or Scala Native, make sure your dependencies are specified using %%%, for example

// Works for JVM, Scala.js and Scala Native
libraryDependencies += "org.scodec" %%% "scodec-bits" % "1.1.32"

Whereas in JVM projects you would see dependencies specified with %%:

libraryDependencies += "org.scodec" %% "scodec-bits" % "1.1.32"

Hot tip: if you have Scala.js or Scala Native in any of your SBT modules, you can use %%% for every dependency. This way both JVM and SJS/SN dependencies will work perfectly.

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#I'm using Mill

With Scala.js or Scala Native modules, you need to make sure that your dependency specification contains two sets of ::.

For example, this will work for all the platforms:

def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi::scalatags::0.6.7")

but this will work only for JVM:

def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi::scalatags:0.6.7")

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#I'm using Scala CLI

Same rules as with Mill!

For example, this set of directives will work for all platforms (note the double set of ::):

//> using scala 3.3.1
//> using dep org.scodec::scodec-bits::1.1.32

(allowing you to run it with --js and --native flags, or without flags at all)

Whereas this specification will only work on the JVM:

//> using scala 3.3.1
//> using dep org.scodec::scodec-bits:1.1.32

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#How to spot it

On Scala.js

Exceptions like this during linking phase:

Referring to non-existent class scodec.bits.ByteVector
  called from test$package$.hello()void
  called from static hello.main([java.lang.String)void
  called from core module module initializers
involving instantiated classes:
Referring to non-existent class scodec.bits.ByteVector
  called from test$package$.bytes()scodec.bits.ByteVector
  called from test$package$.hello()void
  called from static hello.main([java.lang.String)void
  called from core module module initializers
involving instantiated classes:
Referring to non-existent class scodec.bits.ByteVector
  called from test$package$.hello()void
  called from static hello.main([java.lang.String)void
  called from core module module initializers
involving instantiated classes:


On Scala Native

Exceptions like this during linking phase:

[error] Found 5 missing definitions while linking
[error] Not found Top(scodec.bits.Bases$HexAlphabet)
[error] 	at /private/var/folders/my/drt5584s2w59ncgxgxpq7v040000gn/T/tmp.V0mIJQWj/test.scala:6
[error] Not found Top(scodec.bits.ByteVector)
[error] 	at /private/var/folders/my/drt5584s2w59ncgxgxpq7v040000gn/T/tmp.V0mIJQWj/test.scala:8
[error] Not found Top(scodec.bits.ByteVector$)
[error] 	at /private/var/folders/my/drt5584s2w59ncgxgxpq7v040000gn/T/tmp.V0mIJQWj/test.scala:1
[error] Not found Member(Top(scodec.bits.ByteVector$),D12fromValidHexL16java.lang.StringL29scodec.bits.Bases$HexAlphabetL22scodec.bits.ByteVectorEO)
[error] 	at /private/var/folders/my/drt5584s2w59ncgxgxpq7v040000gn/T/tmp.V0mIJQWj/test.scala:6
[error] Not found Member(Top(scodec.bits.ByteVector$),D22fromValidHex$default$2L29scodec.bits.Bases$HexAlphabetEO)
[error] 	at /private/var/folders/my/drt5584s2w59ncgxgxpq7v040000gn/T/tmp.V0mIJQWj/test.scala:6
Exception in thread "main" scala.scalanative.linker.LinkingException: Undefined definitions found in reachability phase
	at scala.scalanative.linker.Reach.reportMissing(Reach.scala:971)

When Running Tests

sbt:cats-effect-testing> scalatestJS/test
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Jun 21, 2022, 2:47:26 PM

Yes that's right! Your tests won't run and it will claim success!!